Wisdom: Yule ushers in a New Year with the conception of the Sun (and of the Holy Son). At the Winter Solstice, we experience both the return of the sun and the renewal of the dreams that have been sleeping in our Wombs.
The energy of Mother is strong at this Holy time. Out of the Great Mother (Galactic Sun and Galaxy), the Sun is birthed. Out of the Great Mother, the Son is born (Mother Mary with Yeshua, Isis with Horus). With the energy of Mother present, this is the time to attune to the Great Mother within and what you want to birth… bring in to manifestation.
Yule Essence connects you with the Dark Goddesses and the energy of the Crone. The Dark Goddess invites you to reclaim and integrate the Dark within for this aspect has been exiled for too long. The Crone is an aspect that wants to be embraced rather than shunned, as she has been with you for your entire life and experienced all of life’s glories and pains. She has quite a lot to share with you. This Essence brings a deep sense of rest, pause, and inward motion so that you are able to hear and then plant the dream seeds of your Destiny.
Experience: Shake before using. Enjoy 3 drops 3 times each day sublingually to embody the energies of that High Holy Day. You may also take 3 drops sublingually during that specific High Holy Day to amplify your experience and understanding when in ceremony.
Ingredients: Vibrational essence of Yule/Winter Solstice, Solarized & Lunar Water, 20% Brandy
Suggested Use: Take 1 drop to assist shamanic journeying or 1 drop with ritual
Size: 0.5 oz (14.7ml)