Wisdom: Imbolc is the time of Initiation. With the Sun about to rise, your consciousness is also rising. Out of your deep slumber from the Winter, you are emerging as something new is arriving/birthing. The seeds you planted at Yule are just beginning to burst from the shell of the seed.
In the Solar Mysteries, this is the moment of inhale of the newborn, the Great Sun birthed from his Mother. This is about those sweet moments of new life where all is nourished, protected and tended to with sweetness and tenderness. Goddess Brigid, who holds the Emerald Flame of Love, is the Midwife here, welcoming in new beginnings (baby, projects, visions).
Imbolc Essence carries the currents of the Midwife, who with your conscious presence, will support you as your great dreams and visions gestate and then move into the process of labor and birth. For desires to come into tangible form, they need the time in the dark void and they need the hearth tended to so that the inspirational fires stay lit within. From this safe place, labor and birth moves forward with ease and grace.
Experience: Shake before using. Enjoy 3 drops 3 times each day sublingually to embody the energies of that High Holy Day. You may also take 3 drops sublingually during that specific High Holy Day to amplify your experience and understanding when in ceremony.
Ingredients: Vibrational essence of Imbolc, Solarized & Lunar Water, 20% Brandy
Suggested Use: Take 1 drop to assist shamanic journeying or 1 drop with ritual
Size: 0.5 oz (14.7ml)